Year 3
Accelerated Reader Link
Spring Term 1
Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to the Spring term.
Lots of our learning this half-term will be linked to our Ancient Egypt topic; we will make shadufs in DT; learn about Egyptologist, Howard Carter, in English, and explore the importance of the River Nile in our history lessons. In maths, we will develop our multiplication skills by beginning to learn a formal written method for multiplication (column method). In our science lessons, we will learn about plants, what they need to survive, and investigate the way in which water is transported within plants. Please see the curriculum map below for more information about our learning this half-term.
PE will take place on Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. You are welcome to come to school in your PE kit on Wednesday mornings, however, please make sure you have your school uniform to change into for the rest of the day. Indoor and outdoor PE kits should be in school for the whole term, and each item must be clearly named.
Public Speaking
Please see below a Public Speaking timetable for this term. Presentations should be short (five minutes max). Please encourage your child to spend time preparing.
- Maths tasks linked to our learning in class will continue to be uploaded here.
- Ancient Egypt Project - your homework task is to create a project about an aspect of Ancient Egyptian life. You can present your project however you wish; you could create a PowerPoint, a poster, a model, a booklet, a piece of artwork, a sculpture - the choice is yours! This task will be due on Monday 24th February.
Autumn Term 2
This half-term our core story is Leon and The Place Between by Angela McAllister and Grahame Baker-Smith. We will be writing fantasy narratives and setting descriptions inspired by the vivid, imaginative illustrations in this text. In our maths lessons, we will continue to work hard on learning and applying our times table knowledge; our particular focus will be on the 4 and 8 times tables. In science, we will learn about light, darkness, shadow and reflection. Our geography topic is the United Kingdom. We will find out more about the counties, cities and rivers of the UK. For further information about our learning, please see the curriculum map below.
Please remember to read regularly to an adult at home (at least four times a week). Once you have finished your book, complete the Accelerated Reader quiz to check your understanding. The link above will take you to the website.
Optional maths and spelling tasks will be uploaded throughout the half-term.
Autumn Term 1
We have had a great start to the year! Everyone is working hard and has settled in well to Year 3. Mrs Culley-Barber and I are very much looking forward to the year ahead.
For information about our learning for this half-term, please see the curriculum map below.
If you have any questions, please get in touch via our class email:
Best wishes,
Miss Srokowski